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What to Expect in Your Pedestrian-Car Accident Settlement

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If you have been one of the unfortunate victims of a car accident as a pedestrian, you are not alone. Annually, there are over 4,300 pedestrians who are killed in the United States, and close to 70,000 who suffer from various injuries caused by an auto crashing into someone who is walking along the sidewalk or crossing a street. Whether it's a busy down town metropolitan area, or a fairly quiet country road, when a moving vehicle such as a car, truck or motorcycle meets with a pedestrian, it is never good.
After a car-pedestrian accident, the police will arrive at the scene along with other emergency personnel. A quick assessment will be done and emergency medical care administered to those who are in need. One of the things the law enforcement officers will do is to make a written report of any witness statements. The officer will also be looking to determine who was at fault in the injury accident. Generally speaking, a pedestrian has the right of way, but it may be found that there is some negligence on the part of the pedestrian which contributed to the serious injury accident. Was the driver solely at fault? Or, were you walking and texting Or jaywalking? these things will be taken into account in your car-pedestrian accident lawsuit settlement case.
There are 4 main areas in which you may recover for damages: medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and loss of normal life. If your injuries are such that you cannot return to the job you held, or enjoy the pleasure of life as you did before, you may be entitled to receive monetary compensation for the damages you have suffered. In pedestrian car accident cases, the type of job you hold may make a difference in the amount of settlement. If you do physical labor, it may take you longer to be able to return to work than an office worker. If you are in a high paying job, you would receive a higher car pedestrian settlement than someone who works for minimum wage.
Other factors which may affect the settlement between a moving vehicle and a pedestrian can depend on the defendant's assets, as well as the insurance of both parties involved in the accident. Another consideration will be the extent of the accident victim's injuries, and how much, if at all, the pedestrian contributed to the accident. Many things go into the process, and you will need to have the services of an experienced personal injury lawyer who has your best interests at heart. A Pedestrian vs. Car Accident Settlement case isn't quick, or easy, but having the right personal injury attorney will make the case go easier.
Contact The Law of Jeffrey S. Dawson today at 949/861-2191 for a free consultation to discuss your personal injury case. Jeff Dawson is a uniquely qualified personal injury lawyer. He has worked on the other side, as well - for the insurance firms, and knows how they think. If you have been involved in an accident where you have suffered injuries, contact the law offices of Jeffrey S. Dawson to discuss your potential lawsuit settlement.

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